Resistance to fragile destruction of a stable organism (2019)
In this project the world is gripped by a plague of universal fatigue. Analysis of an extensive database of bacteria collected from smartphones of users of the iBiom Box service allowed the company to hypothesize a bacterial cause of fatigue
Plague of universal fatigue
The project presents mechanisms society behavior: the ones of companies, media, scientific institutions, and ordinary citizens. In the world of fatigue, knowledge coexists with unscientific way of thinking, largely related to a person's desire to explain invisible phenomena.
Mass hysteria mechanisms
News of the world gripped by universal fatigue
Thanks to the collected bio-data, a group of iBiom researchers made a sensational discovery, eventually finding the fatigue bacteria in the biomaterial from phones. It was named Astenia.
Astenia is a bacteria of fatigue
In search of new energy to overcome fatigue, iBiom Inc. opened a laboratory in the Far East and launched the Energy Pit Project. Scientists are studying deep-seated bacteria and their ability to survive under conditions of enormous pressure and limited energy.
Energy Hole project
The cause of fatigue is a bacterial imbalance in the gut. Astenia easily adapts to the body and lifestyle of the modern person. The team of iBiom Inc. has developed a special set of exercises for anyone who feels low energy levels.
Set of exercises for tired people
iBiom Training
Set of exercises for people with high levels of fatigue
Collective exhibition "Impulse", Kuryokhin center, Saint-Petersburg, 2019