GAPING (2018)

12-14 thousand women die from domestic abuse in Russia every year. Russian Federation is among 18 countries with the worst legislation in terms of protecting women from aggression within the family. Law against domestic abuse exists in 127 countries, but not in Russia. In 2017 beatings in the family were decriminalized. Battery stopped being a criminal offense and became part of the civil law instead.

Shame, guilt and public opinion hinder women from openly speaking about the problem of domestic abuse. Having children and a joint family budget do not allow to leave the husband or partner. The law enforcement starts to take action only in cases of serious consequences, the main one being death. Women, who repeatedly complain to the authorities about beatings, end up murdered. To stop the violence the victim has to die at the hands of their torturer.

In project "Gaping" I use surgical sutures to stitch up objects symbolizing beauty, fragility, image of a woman and a family. It is an act of a helpless witness before a reality you can not hide from.
Suture thread, objects

GAPING (2018)

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