One of the main features of the number Pi is infinity. It is impossible to calculate the last digit. The history of the number developed alongside human civilisation. Before the II millennium people knew up to 10 digits after the decimal point. In 2011, Pi was computed with an accuracy of 10 trillion decimal places. In practice, however, this number of digits is not necessary. For example, NASA scientists and engineers use only 15 decimal places for calculations in interplanetary navigation.
It is considered that in the infinite tail of Pi, one can find any sequence of digits, from the telephone number to the year of birth of each person. And if you encode typographic symbols in combinations of digits from 0 to 9, according to the mathematician and science communicator Martin Gardner, in the infinity of Pi you can find "any book that was, will or could be written." The number Pi is deemed the flickering of infinity, a generation void, which contains all the possibilities and variations.
In the project 1000 digits after the decimal point of Pi are dialed on a rotary phone, and then the digital sequence is visualised in graphic form. The turns of three-dimensional spirals are modulated by the sound of dialing the digits.
In a looped video, it is impossible to find the beginning and the end, like in knowledge, which has no limits.