ibiom conference (2020)

Fatigue is changing the way we live. The world needs new models of basic normality, social structures and forms of interaction. iBiom inc. organizes a series of discussions with representatives from different fields: business, politics, science and activism. On one platform you will find the speakers' ideas on how to solve the problems of a tired society.

The Institute of Fatigue, the new slowdown index, post-labor society, or the island of philosophers? Four speakers share their ideas on solving the problems of a fatigue society.

Four Ways of Saving the World before It Collapses

Meeting with colleagues from Finland
iBiom held an online meeting with colleagues from Finland to discuss the problems of fatigue in Finnish cultural institutions.
The conference was accompanied with an educational program presented on the Blizhe (“Closer”) platform. The program consisted of four thematic blocks and included lectures, workshops, discussions and streams that will help keep abreast of the main trends in solving the problem of fatigue.
The cleaning group "Microfibre" with the staff of the Institute of Fatigue have developed a series of somatic training. The complex is suitable for people of different backgrounds, you can use the complex in different conditions: at home, in the office and outdoors. The exercises are designed for those who suffer from the symptoms of alienated work and physical burnout, as well as for those who cannot get rid of imposed constructs and public opinion.

Somatic workout by the group "Microfiber"

The world has been struggling with universal fatigue for several years, but the disease of fatigue has not been fully studied, therefore, initiative groups appear that come up with solutions and tools to combat the universal illness. The recently formed Institute of Fatigue studies the problem from different angles and engages active citizens in its work. At the workshop, the institute staff talked about their scientific discoveries and, together with the participants, came up with the concepts of new vigor devices based on kombucha.

Fatigue Institute workshop
on prototyping anti-fatigue devices

Games have become a powerful tool for simulating reality and modeling life. Perhaps the solution of the problem of fatigue will be found in the game universe, and perhaps the virtual world will help to survive the crisis. This thesis became the driving force for iBiom to create the game "The Island". We have launched the development process and invite you to join it. iBiom team organized a meeting with the game designer Vasily Smetanin, during which they walked through the first locations of the island and discussed the intricacies of creating a game concept.

Educational stream from the game "The Island"

Educational stream from the game "The Island"
Another event within the parallel educational program of the iBiom conference was broadcast on Radio Fatigue. In the program "The Voice of Untired People" we talked with the municipal deputy Ksenia Torstrem.

With Ksenia we discussed how she connects fatigue and politics, how she got involved in civic engagement, and what stereotypes keep other people from doing it. We also learned how ordinary people can get involved in politics without wasting a lot of time and energy.

Fatigue radio broadcast
"Civic skills in a world of fatigue"

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